References for: Reading to Learn from the Start (DSF Bulletin, Vol. 55 – Autumn 2019)

  1. Marsha Riddle Buly and Sheila W. Valencia, “Below the Bar: Profiles of Students Who Fail State Reading Assessments,” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24 (2002): 219–239; and Scott G. Paris, “Reinterpreting the Development of Reading Skills,” Reading Research Quarterly 40 (2005): 184–202.
  2. See, for example, David K. Dickinson and Miriam W. Smith, “Long-Term Effects of Preschool Teachers’ Book Readings on Low-Income Children’s Vocabulary and Story Comprehension,” Reading Research Quarterly 29 (1994): 105–122; Edna Greene Brabham and Carol Lynch-Brown, “Effects of Teachers’ Reading-Aloud Styles on Vocabulary Acquisition and Comprehension of Students in the Early Elementary Grades,” Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (2002): 465–473; and Maria Varelas and Christine C. Pappas, “Intertextuality in Read-Alouds of Integrated Science-Literacy Units in Urban Primary Classrooms: Opportunities for the Development of Thought and Language,” Cognition and Instruction 24 (2006): 211–259.
  3. Tanya S. Wright and Susan B. Neuman, “Paucity and Disparity in Kindergarten Oral Vocabulary Instruction,” Journal of Literacy Research 46 (2014): 330–357; and Tanya S. Wright, “From Potential to Reality: Content‐Rich Vocabulary and Informational Text,” The Reading Teacher 67 (2014): 359–367.
  4. Nell K. Duke, “3.6 Minutes per Day: The Scarcity of Informational Texts in First Grade,” Reading Research Quarterly 35 (2000): 202–224; and Jill M. Pentimonti, Tricia A. Zucker, and Laura M. Justice, “What Are Preschool Teachers Reading in Their Classrooms?,” Reading Psychology 32 (2011): 197–236.
  5. Laura M. Justice et al., “Quality of Language and Literacy Instruction in Preschool Classrooms Serving At-Risk Pupils,” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23 (2008): 51–68; Karen J. Kindle, “Same Book, Different Experience: A Comparison of Shared Reading in Preschool Classrooms,” Journal of Language and Literacy Education 7, no. 1 (2011): 13–34; and Susan L. Massey et al., “Educators’ Use of Cognitively Challenging Questions in Economically Disadvantaged Preschool Classroom Contexts,” Early Education and Development 19 (2008): 340–360.
  6. For a review on the relationship between knowledge and comprehension, see Gina N. Cervetti and Tanya S. Wright, “The Role of Knowledge in Understanding and Learning from Text,” in Handbook of Reading Research, vol. 5, ed. Elizabeth Moje et al. (New York: Routledge, forthcoming).
  7. See, for example, Yvonne R. Bell and Tangela R. Clark, “Culturally Relevant Reading Material as Related to Comprehension and Recall in African American Children,” Journal of Black Psychology 24 (1998): 455–475; and Heather M. Kelley et al., “Culturally Familiar Tasks on Reading Performance and Self-Efficacy of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students,” Educational Psychology in Practice 31 (2015): 293–313.
  8. Dennis Overbye, “Stephen Hawking Dies at 76; His Mind Roamed the Cosmos,” New York Times, March 15, 2018.
  9. See, for example, Cynthia B. Leung, “Preschoolers’ Acquisition of Scientific Vocabulary through Repeated Read-Aloud Events, Retellings, and Hands-On Science Activities,” Reading Psychology 29 (2008): 165–193; Pamela Spycher, “Learning Academic Language through Science in Two Linguistically Diverse Kindergarten Classes,” Elementary School Journal 109 (2009): 359–379; Stephanie L. Strachan, “Kindergarten Students’ Social Studies and Content Literacy Learning from Interactive Read-Alouds,” Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (2015): 207–223; Michael R. Vitale and Nancy R. Romance, “Using In-Depth Science Instruction to Accelerate Student Achievement in Science and Reading Comprehension in Grades 1–2,” International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 10 (2012): 457–472; and Tanya S. Wright and Amelia Wenk Gotwals, “Supporting Kindergartners’ Science Talk in the Context of an Integrated Science and Disciplinary Literacy Curriculum,” Elementary School Journal 117 (2017): 513–537.
  10. See, for example, Gina N. Cervetti, Tanya S. Wright, and HyeJin Hwang, “Conceptual Coherence, Comprehension, and Vocabulary Acquisition: A Knowledge Effect?,” Reading and Writing 29 (2016): 761–779; Tanya S. Wright and Gina N. Cervetti, “Supporting Vocabulary Acquisition and Comprehension with Conceptually-Coherent Text Sets” (poster presentation, 24th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, NS, July 12, 2017); and Susan B. Neuman, Tanya Kaefer, and Ashley M. Pinkham, “Improving Low-Income Preschoolers’ Word and World Knowledge: The Effects of Content-Rich Instruction,” Elementary School Journal 116 (2016): 652–674.
  11. Luis C. Moll et al., “Funds of Knowledge for Teaching: Using a Qualitative Approach to Connect Homes and Classrooms,” Theory Into Practice 31 (1992): 132–141.
  12. Gloria Ladson-Billings, “Culturally Relevant Pedagogy 2.0: a.k.a. the Remix,” Harvard Educational Review 84 (2014): 74–84; Kristan A. Morrison, Holly H. Robbins, and Dana Gregory Rose, “Operationalizing Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: A Synthesis of Classroom-Based Research,” Equity & Excellence in Education 41 (2008): 433–452; and Mariana Souto-Manning, Multicultural Teaching in the Early Childhood Classroom: Strategies, Tools, and Approaches, Preschool–2nd Grade (New York: Teachers College Press, 2013).
  13. For a review of this research, see Tanya S. Wright and Gina N. Cervetti, “A Systematic Review of the Research on Vocabulary Instruction That Impacts Text Comprehension,” Reading Research Quarterly 52 (2017): 203–226.
  14. See Loren M. Marulis and Susan B. Neuman, “The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention on Young Children’s Word Learning: A Meta-Analysis,” Review of Educational Research 80 (2010): 300–335; Suzanne E. Mol, Adriana G. Bus, and Maria T. de Jong, “Interactive Book Reading in Early Education: A Tool to Stimulate Print Knowledge as Well as Oral Language,” Review of Educational Research 79 (2009): 979–1007; and Barbara A. Wasik, Annemarie H. Hindman, and Emily K. Snell, “Book Reading and Vocabulary Development: A Systematic Review,” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 37 (2016): 39–57.
  15. Andrew Biemiller and Catherine Boote, “An Effective Method for Building Meaning Vocabulary in Primary Grades,” Journal of Educational Psychology 98 (2006): 44–62; and Isabel L. Beck and Margaret G. McKeown, “Increasing Young Low‐Income Children’s Oral Vocabulary Repertoires through Rich and Focused Instruction,” Elementary School Journal 107 (2007): 251–271.
  16. Biemiller and Boote, “An Effective Method.”
  17. Barbara A. Wasik and Mary Alice Bond, “Beyond the Pages of a Book: Interactive Book Reading and Language Development in Preschool Classrooms,” Journal of Educational Psychology 93 (2001): 243–250.
  18. Wright and Cervetti, “A Systematic Review.”
  19. Isabel L. Beck and Margaret G. McKeown, “Conditions of Vocabulary Acquisition,” in Handbook of Reading Research, vol. 2, ed. Rebecca Barr et al. (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991), 789–814; and Margaret G. McKeown and Isabel L. Beck, “Effects of Vocabulary Instruction on Measures of Language Processing: Comparing Two Approaches,” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (2014): 520–530.
  20. Michael D. Coyne, D. Betsy McCoach, and Sharon Kapp, “Vocabulary Intervention for Kindergarten Students: Comparing Extended Instruction to Embedded Instruction and Incidental Exposure,” Learning Disability Quarterly 30 (2007): 74–88; Marulis and Neuman, “The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention”; and Susan B. Neuman and Tanya S. Wright, “The Magic of Words: Teaching Vocabulary in the Early Childhood Classroom,” American Educator 38, no. 2 (Summer 2014): 4–13.
  21. See, for example, Cervetti, Wright, and Hwang, “Conceptual Coherence”; Wright and Cervetti, “Supporting Vocabulary Acquisition”; Jorge E. Gonzalez et al., “Developing Low-Income Preschoolers’ Social Studies and Science Vocabulary Knowledge through Content-Focused Shared Book Reading,” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 4 (2010): 25–52; and Susan B. Neuman, Ellen H. Newman, and Julie Dwyer, “Educational Effects of a Vocabulary Intervention on Preschoolers’ Word Knowledge and Conceptual Development: A Cluster‐Randomized Trial,” Reading Research Quarterly 46 (2011): 249–272.
  22. Tricia A. Zucker, Allison E. Ward, and Laura M. Justice, “Print Referencing during Read‐Alouds: A Technique for Increasing Emergent Readers’ Print Knowledge,” The Reading Teacher 63 (2009): 62–72.
  23. See, for example, Laura M. Justice and Helen K. Ezell, “Use of Storybook Reading to Increase Print Awareness in At-Risk Children,” American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 11 (2002): 17–29.
  24. Steve Graham et al., Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers: A Practice Guide, NCEE 2012-4058 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2012); and Timothy Shanahan et al., Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade: A Practice Guide, NCEE 2010-4038 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
  25. Graham et al., Teaching Elementary School Students.
  26. Peter Afflerbach, P. David Pearson, and Scott G. Paris, “Clarifying Differences between Reading Skills and Reading Strategies,” The Reading Teacher 61 (2008): 364–373.
  27. See, for example, Nell K. Duke et al., “Essential Elements of Fostering and Teaching Reading Comprehension,” in What Research Has to Say about Reading Instruction, 4th ed., ed. S. Jay Samuels and Alan E. Farstrup (Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 2011), 51–93.
  28. Varelas and Pappas, “Intertextuality in Read-Alouds.”
  29. Shanahan et al., Improving Reading Comprehension.
  30. Dickinson and Smith, “Long-Term Effects.”
  31. See, for example, Isabel L. Beck and Margaret G. McKeown, “Text Talk: Capturing the Benefits of Read-Aloud Experiences for Young Children,” The Reading Teacher 55 (2011): 10–20; Lea M. McGee and Judith A. Schickedanz, “Repeated Interactive Read‐Alouds in Preschool and Kindergarten,” The Reading Teacher 60 (2007): 742–751; and Grover J. Whitehurst et al., “A Picture Book Reading Intervention in Day Care and Home for Children from Low-Income Families,” Developmental Psychology 30 (1994): 679–689.
  32. Barbara A. Marinak and Linda B. Gambrell, “Intrinsic Motivation and Rewards: What Sustains Young Children’s Engagement with Text?,” Literacy Research and Instruction 47 (2008): 9–26.
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