C-PEN Exam Reader Added to List of Possible Exam Adjustments

It was announced at the 2017 DSF Language, Literacy and Learning Conference that the C-Pen Exam Reader scanning pen has been added to the list of possible exam adjustments for ATAR course examinations in 2017. Students with specific learning disabilities, vision impairment or hearing impairment can apply to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) to use the C-Pen. SCSA have stated, “Use of a C-Pen Exam Reader may …be granted for candidates needing reading support.” (Application for Special Exam Arrangements form, 2017). Permission to apply for the use of a C-Pen in Year 12 exams has also been granted to students in New South Wales and South Australia.

For more information regarding the C-Pen Exam Reader, go to: http://store.dsf.net.au/Dictionaries/c-pen-exam-reader .

The C-Pen Dictionary pen which is excellent for general use is also available: http://store.dsf.net.au/Dictionaries/c-pen-reader-pen-with-dictionary.

The Scanning Pens’ website (www.scanningpens.co.uk) has a number of videos which shows these amazing devices in action.

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