Category Archives: Uncategorized

References for: Challenging the Education is Broken and Silicon Valley Narratives (Spring Bulletin 2019)

Ardley, N. (1981) School, work and play (world of tomorrow). London: Franklin Watts Library. Bulman, G. and Fairlie, R. (2016) ‘Technology and Education: Computers, Software and the Internet,’ in Handbook of the Economics of Education, ed. Eric A. Hanushek et … Continue reading

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References for: Does Tailoring Instruction to “Learning Styles” Help Students Learn? (Spring Bulletin 2019)

1. Michael Schneider and Franzis Preckel, “Variables Associated with Achievement in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses,” Psychological Bulletin 143 (2017): 565–600. 2. Lee J. Cronbach and Richard E. Snow, “Aptitudes and Instructional Methods: A Handbook for Research on … Continue reading

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Understanding Learning Difficulties: A six module online learning course from DSF

  DSF is pleased to announce the release of our Understanding Learning Difficulties e-learning course for teachers, school psychologists and speech pathologists. This comprehensive online course provides participants with access to current information on learning difficulties, learning disorders, the processing … Continue reading

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References for: A Powerful Tool…Improving Writing and Learning for All Students (DSF Bulletin Winter 2018)

References for the article A Powerful Tool…Improving Writing and Learning for All Students (DSF Bulletin Winter 2018) Endnotes National Writing Project and Carl Nagin, Because Writing Matters: Improving Student Writing in Our Schools, rev. ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006). Patricia … Continue reading

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References for Numerical Symbols Count for Mathematical Success

Bulletin Autumn 2018 References for Numerical Symbols Count for Mathematical Success by Rebecca Merkley and Daniel Ansari Bradley, L., & Bryant, P. E. (1978). Difficulties in auditory organisation as a possible cause of reading backwardness. Nature 271, 764–747. 271746a0 … Continue reading

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References for: Morphemes Matter (DSF Bulletin Vol. 53 – Spring 2017)

References for Article:  Morphemes Matter Publication: DSF Bulletin – Volume 53 – Spring 2017 Published: November 2017 Apel, K., & Henbest, V. S. (2016). Affix meaning knowledge in first through third grade students. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, … Continue reading

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Factors that Contribute to Successful Reading Comprehension

A compelling model of reading acquisition is that encapsulated in the ‘Simple View of Reading’ (Gough and Tunmer, 1986). This essentially describes the two central components of successful reading as being the capacity to read the words on the page … Continue reading

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References for: ‘The Language of Maths’, ‘Reading Comprehension’ and ‘Developing Maths Fluency’ (DSF Bulletin, Vol. 53 – Winter 2017)

Winter 2017 Bulletin. Volume 53 References Article: The Language of Maths Auman, M. , & Valente, D. (2009). Step up to writing in math. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Beliveau, J. (2001). What strategies strengthen the connections between literacy and math … Continue reading

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Understanding Learning Difficulties: Two practical guides from DSF

Understanding Learning Difficulties: A practical guide A comprehensive, evidence-based reference of strategies to assist students with learning difficulties. This booklet, in conjunction with the enclosed CD, is designed to provide principals, teachers and school psychologists throughout Australia, with a greater … Continue reading

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References for: Supporting Reading Comprehension Development (DSF Bulletin, Vol. 52 – Winter 2016)

References for article: Supporting Reading Comprehension Date of publication: September 2016 Name of Publication: DSF Bulletin Volume: 52 Edition: Winter Beck, I. C., Perfetti, C. A., & McKeown, G. (1982). Effects of long-term vocabulary instruction on lexical access and reading … Continue reading

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