Dyslexia in Adults

Does this describe you?

  • I find it difficult to read words accurately and quickly.
  • Reading is very tiring for me.
  • I read very slowly and may need to re-read paragraphs several times before I’m sure that I understand or remember what I have read.
  • I often make spelling mistakes.
  • My reading and writing skills are poor in comparison to other adults.
  • I have always struggled with reading and writing despite receiving remedial assistance.
  • I often lose my place or miss out sections of print when I am reading.
  • I have strengths in other academic, artistic or sporting areas.
  • I have trouble isolating the individual sounds in words.
  • Many of my difficulties get worse when I am under stress.
  • I often misspell familiar words or spell the same word in different ways.
  • At times I struggle to find the right word to say or to write.
  • I sometimes confuse complicated instructions.
  • I often need long messages (or phone numbers) repeated; and find I need to write them down immediately.
  • Other members of my family also experience reading and writing difficulties.
  • There are no other obvious reasons for my difficulty with reading and writing (such as missed schooling or a sensory deficit).
  • Some days I am able to read and spell more accurately than on other days.
  • When I read and write I will often confuse words that are similar.
  • I often make errors when copying things down.
  • When doing a written assignment I have difficulty organising what I want to say.