Dyslexia in Children

Does the child…

  • …have difficulty learning the relationship between sounds and letters?
  • …appear to forget instructions easily?
  • …frequently misread/misspell commonly occurring words?
  • …have difficulty reading words quickly and accurately?
  • …read a word accurately on one line and then fail to recognise it further down the page?
  • …have difficulty remembering how to spell words over time?
  • …have difficulty applying spelling rules?
  • …experience literacy difficulties that are unexpected when compared to their strengths in other academic, artistic or sporting areas?
  • …often substitute words that look similar when reading?
  • …have difficulty comprehending what they read because of difficulties with word recognition?
  • …tire easily and become distracted especially when expected to complete literacy tasks?
  • …have a family member (or family members) with reading and writing difficulties?
  • …read slowly and dysfluently?
  • …experience difficulty in playing with the sounds in words when rhyming, counting syllables and removing individual sounds?
  • …often leave literacy tasks unfinished?
  • …struggle with reading and spelling particularly in comparison with their peers?
  • …put in a great deal of effort but have little to show for it?
  • …not progress at the expected rate despite extra assistance?
  • …struggle for no apparent reason?